Friends of Flight 93 Staff

Henry Scully, Executive Director

[email protected]
814-893-6322, dial *5614

Rebecca Kuzar, Executive Assistant

[email protected]
814-893-6322, dial *5604

Friends Board of Directors


Lladel Lichty, President

Community Relationship Manager, United Way of the Laurel Highlands

Patrick White, Vice President

Attorney, Porter, Wright, Morris & Arthur, LLP
Flight 93 Family Member

Don Alexander, Treasurer

Controller, Doebler's Pennsylvania Hybrids, Inc, Retired

Donna Glessner, Secretary

Contractor, Oral History & Documentation Project at Flight 93 National Memorial

Board Members

Sheena Baker

Communications Coordinator, Somerset County Chamber of Commerce

Ginny Barnett

Small Business Owner, Faithfull Calligraphy
Volunteer, Flight 93 National Memorial

Deborah Borza

Help Desk Analyst, Copley Press, Retired
Flight 93 Family Member

Nicole Eickhoff

Director, Northern Virginia Women's Business Center at Community Business Partnership

Mahlon Fuller

Supervisor, Federal Aviation Administration, Retired

Linda Meyer

Professor, California University of Pennsylvania

Tom McMillan

VP Communications, Pittsburgh Penguins

Lance Sturni

Marketing Management, PPG Industries, Inc., Retired