When we first came to the place we now know as the Flight 93 National Memorial, whenever that might have been, we most likely came as strangers in a strange land. Most of us arrived not knowing other family members, local citizens or officials or even anything about the towns and people where our loved ones now rest for all time. Over these past twenty years so very much has changed. The pain and sense of loss lingers and will never leave us, but we no longer walk alone. We have come to know, respect and cherish the family members, volunteers and officials at every level. We have worked together to create a lasting memorial to those we loved and lost. It has been a journey, but a journey made so much easier because we have each other.
2001 September 11: America attacked
September 15: Local memorials established almost overnight by Shanksville residents.
November 2: “Official” temporary memorial opens on Skyline Road
2002 January 26: Residents form Ambassador group, train for meeting visitors
March 7: Legislation to create park announced.
May 18: Shanksville School Memorial dedicated
July: Preliminary plans laid for Families of Flight 93 organization
September 24: President George W. Bush signs the Flight 93 National Memorial Act
December 6: The board of the Families of Flight 93 met in Pittsburgh.
2003 March 1: The first meeting of the Flight 93 Memorial Task Force.
November 13: First meeting of the Flight 93 Advisory Commission.
2004 July 30: Advisory Commission passes Resolution on the establishment of boundaries.
2005 January 11: More than 1000 entries received in the Memorial Design competition.
January 24-26: A jury made up of design-professionals & family members met to choose
five finalists in the design competition.
August 2-4: The Stage II Jury convened to select the winner of the Design Competition.
September 7: The winning design was unveiled in Washington, D.C.
2006 April 28: Universal Pictures released the film, “United 93”.
2007 March: National Park Foundation assumes responsibility for Flight 93 capital campaign.
2009 March: The Friends of Flight 93 National Memorial was incorporated.
September 9: U.S. Capitol Plaque unveiled
November 19: Groundbreaking ceremony was held for Flight 93 National Memorial.
2011 July 27: Sacred Ground site marked with boulder
August 11: Phase 1 including Wall of Names completed.
September 10: Flight 93 National Memorial Dedication
September 12: Burial of Unidentified Passenger and Crew Member Remains at the Sacred Ground.
2015 September 10:Visitor Center and Education Center Dedication
2018 September 10: Tower of Voices Dedication
2020 September 10:Tower of Voices Completion